Posts by Ryan Reposar

Feb 6, 2012

Future of Reading

Today’s e-books are electronic versions of their paper forebears. As reader software becomes more sophisticated and human readers and authors become more comfortable with e-book technology, e-books will become more interactive.

Sep 28, 2011

Alzheimer’s Disease

This diagram presents a model of Alzheimer’s disease. It brings together many facts about Alzheimer’s disease to present a picture of the disease and the context in which it operates. The diagram is intended to help people who are familiar with some aspects of AD have a wider understanding of it. It is also helpful […]

Jun 22, 2011

Typography and Readers

Dubberly Design Office analyzed typography on Kindle and suggested ways the experience of reading might be improved.

Feb 17, 2009

The Ballot Ecosystem

An election is a complex process with several steps involving many components. This concept map provides a general overview.

Apr 18, 2006

Navigating Dynamic Databases

This article introduces several issues related to the problem of navigating multi-dimensional data spaces—large databases. It examines problems with trying to conform data to a single taxonomy and the limits of tree structures as navigational devices. It offers several alternative devices, and it notes the need to enable random, multi-variate filtering so that users may […]