Posts by Hugh Dubberly

Mar 25, 2001

A Model of Brand

This diagram is a model of brand, a term often used in business, marketing, and design. The diagram attempts to present a comprehensive model of brand and to unpack the meaning of the term by providing related concepts and examples. You read the armature of the map (structure) horizontally and vertically. The map is framed […]

Mar 1, 2001

Alan Cooper and the Goal Directed Design Process

*Originally published in **Gain AIGA Journal of Design for the Network Economy** Volume 1, Number 2, 2001.* Alan Cooper is not your typical graphic designer—he’s an engineer and a card-carrying member of the AIGA. He inhabits both worlds and has something important to say to designers and other engineers. Cooper is not one to say […]

Apr 15, 2000

How to Play Baseball

The game of baseball provides wonderful subject matter for a concept map. I introduce design students to the idea and practice of concept maps by assigning them the task of de-constructing the game of baseball and then re-constructing it in the form of a concept map.

Jan 1, 2000

The Next Web

*The following is an interview of Hugh Dubberly by Ken Coupland in 2000. Originally published in **Critique magazine**, number 14 and 15, Winter and Spring 2000.* **What impact is the Web having on graphic design now? Is there anything about all of this that’s truly new?** The Web is an interesting medium that has great […]

Aug 8, 1999

Understanding Internet Search

We couldn’t know back in 1999 how important Search would become to the Internet. It was important enough to us then—at Netscape—to develop a model to understand how Internet search worked at that time.

Jun 1, 1997

The Baseball Projects: A Step-by-step Approach to Introducing Information Architecture

*First published in **Adobe Art Line**, Issue 8, June 1997.* *Also published in **LOOP: AIGA Journal of Interaction Design Education**, Number 1, November 2000.* *Later Published in **The Education of an E-Designer**, Steven Heller, Allworth Press, 2001.* Over the last five years, the rapid growth in the number and complexity of Internet Web sites has […]

Jul 30, 1995

Design for the Internet

This is a concept map of design for the Internet, created when the Internet was a much smaller entity that still fit into a poster-sized diagram. Designed for the American Center for Design Third Annual Living Surfaces Conference, the map attempts to define both the nascent Internet and design as a process for Internet creation. […]

Mar 30, 1995

Managing Complex Design Projects

*Originally published in **Communication Arts**, March/April, 1995.* Experience has taught me that two elements are critical for ensuring the success of any complex design project. First, the people involved must agree on the problem they wish to solve. And second, they must agree on the process for solving it. I want to share with you […]

Jan 30, 1995

Protecting Corporate Identity

*First published in **Communication Arts**, January/February 1995.* *Later published in **Design Issues: How Graphic Design Informs Society**, 2001.* If we took a survey of the steps people follow when starting a new business, we would probably find that creating a logo is in the top ten. From coffee shop to computer company, almost no self-respecting […]

Jul 4, 1990

Can Fine Typography Exist in the ’90s?

*Originally published in **U&lc**, Volume 17, Number 3, Summer 1990.* The question is not easily answered. From different perspectives the response can be a resounding yes or a qualified no. Electronic typesetting and type designed for a computer and on a computer have made some type lovers anxious. Yet other fastidious and committed type users […]