Mar 25, 2001

Concept Map: A Model of Brand

This diagram is a model of brand, a term often used in business, marketing, and design. The diagram attempts to present a comprehensive model of brand and to unpack the meaning of the term by providing related concepts and examples. You read the armature of the map (structure) horizontally and vertically. The map is framed around four main ideas:

1. a brand is more than a name or symbol
2. creating a great customer experience is the essence of good branding
3. perceptions of a brand can be measured
4. brands are a form of sign

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  • Dean Hale

    Sep 5, 2008
    12:54 pm

    “brand..can be…measrured…by…stew”?

    What is “stew”


  • alex

    Sep 24, 2008
    12:57 pm

    it says “stewards” the page continues from the right to the left. like pacman.


  • Aniltom

    Nov 10, 2008
    10:44 pm

    Dear Alex,

    I stumbled on your brand model while searching for something else. I must say that I stopped everything else and then stayed on your map for the rest of the day. Quite an impressive effort!!!!


  • Max

    Dec 19, 2008
    2:17 pm

    This is great diagram for how things used to work.

    I’d like to see a version of this diagram that accounts for the realities of the web as seen in the past few years, as social media and increased interactivity push the ownership of brands futher and further into the hands of the consumer.

    Brands, promises, products, as labeled here, are no longer things purely crafted by senior management, brand managers, or designers. Brands are shaped and “stewarded” (is that a word?) in realtime with a huge role played by the consumer, now more than ever.

  • Javed

    Jan 26, 2009
    2:41 am

    this is impressive

  • Concept Maps « My PhD Blog

    Sep 6, 2009
    5:16 pm

    […] A Model of Brand […]

  • Jeff Barlow

    Jan 5, 2010
    12:35 pm

    Max, I don’t think that real brands were ever “crafted by senior management, brand managers, or designers.” A brand is something that exists and is true about the company. It’s a core idea that exists in the soul of the company and the mind of the consumer. If the above mentioned leaders are successful at building brand it’s because they found it and stuck to it. Not because they created it.

    That’s why it is absolutely critical that those creating companies should be aware that from day one they’re creating brand. If the brand includes valuable ideas, then as the company progresses, those ideas will eventually be re-found and perpetuated by others.

  • V

    Jan 11, 2010
    11:42 pm

    a stunning work!

  • laura

    Feb 11, 2010
    1:51 am

    great!i am currently working on a study related to branding but in the context of an educaional institution and your work helps me a lot…

  • Don Clark - Atlanta

    Mar 18, 2010
    12:09 pm

    well done. worth a closer look…

  • Kellie Schroeder

    Aug 30, 2010
    9:47 am

    It’s on my a prominent place in the studio.
    We refer to it often!

    Brilliant work!

  • […] インタラクションデザイン(IxD) and コミュニケーション and ユーザーエクスペリエンス(UX) noriyo 11:24 今朝の棚橋弘季さんのエントリに「ブランド・アーキテクチャ」という言葉を見つけたのをきっかけに、かなり以前にそれに関して書こうと思っていたネタをふと思い出しました。 Dubberly Design Officeというサンフランシスコのデザインファームがネットで公開している、「A Model of Brand」というブランドに関するコンセプトマップが非常によくできていたのです。 […]

  • Haig Bedrossian

    Mar 8, 2011
    9:45 am

    I love this. I remember looking at it many years ago.

  • […] A Model of Brand […]

  • Maggie_liang

    Jun 1, 2011
    3:05 pm

    I feel cool about the model, to those people who consider Brand is only a logo / identity design, this model could help them understand how complex and costly that they need to pay for.

    I hope I can put it on my magazine as a gift to my readers.

  • […] is really more from an enterprise and systems thinking point-of-view  and best demonstrated in a brand  framework I picked up by Dubberly Design Office in 2001.  At the time I was Director of Top Line Growth at […]

  • […] that are guided by experience, reputation, and of particular interest to this audience, brand. (See Hugh Dubberly’s Brand Map if you really want to blow your […]


    Jul 10, 2012
    7:24 am

    very good!! welldone!!!

  • mary sievert

    Jul 18, 2012
    11:27 am

    Great work of design and thought heirarchy, I really enjoyed your 30 page pdf walkthrough. We’ll use this to help us refine our brand. Many thanks for giving this to the world.

  • […] is really more from an enterprise and systems thinking point-of-view and best demonstrated in a brand framework I picked up by Dubberly Design Office in 2001. At the time I was Director of Top Line Growth at […]

  • […] is really more from an enterprise and systems thinking point-of-view and best demonstrated in a brand framework developed by  Dubberly Design Office (DDO).  At the time I was Director of Top Line Growth at […]

  • I partly agree with Jeff Barlow. Brands are really the perception people have about your company. But those perceptions can be influenced and built as long as they come from an authentic place. Branding is the art of discovering the true essence of the company and their unique qualities, then living those truths and consistently reinforcing them in every interaction.

  • Felix Polo

    Nov 16, 2018
    9:26 am

    Interesting your point of view.
    I’m a designer and a Marketing Professional.
    I often wonder what brand is and how to do better management. I really appreciate your concept, but I believe it needs to be tested with research and review.
    How can we work together to create a truly rich and innovative material?